Everything You Need to Know for Moving in the Winter

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We understand the apprehensions many people have about relocating during the winter months. It’s a common concern—how do you manage the logistics while bundled up in mittens, and what if a snowstorm hits right on moving day? Won’t it take movers longer? We get it, and we’ve got you covered.

Those are certainly legitimate concerns about winter moving, but don’t let the winter chill freeze your plans for a smooth move. With a little effort and some helpful tips, you’ll find that winter moves can actually offer unique advantages and be much less stressful than other times of year. 

To help you feel less anxious and more excited about moving during the winter season, we have compiled a list of first-hand insights that we have learned over the course of 30 years of experience in moving under every weather condition. These tips for moving in winter will help ensure that your moving experience is as smooth as possible.

Winter Moving Advantages

One of the main reasons that people decide not to move in the winter is because they’re worried about how it will get done. Unfortunately, the weather can be a major obstacle to even the most prepared movers, and many people have had to delay their move or reschedule entirely because of rain, snow, or other bad weather. 

But moving in winter can actually be easier than moving during any other time of the year. As long as you prepare for the worst weather situations and take the proper precautions, you shouldn’t have any problems moving during the cold winter months. There are more than a few reasons why moving in winter can be a smart decision.

  1. Movers Availability: For one, fewer movers are available in summer. Moving companies are often flooded with job requests and it can be difficult to find a moving company with availability on your preferred dates. However, since moving companies are less likely to be busy during the winter, it’s often easier to find a moving company that can accommodate your schedule during the slow season. This helps you avoid the stress of trying to find a moving company that’s available to move on your requested date. 

  2. Less Traffic: You’ll also benefit from less traffic on the roads during winter, which is potentially easier for a moving truck to navigate. Since the weather is colder in the winter, many people choose to stay at home instead of going out for recreational activities such as shopping and sightseeing. This means that fewer people are out on the roads, making for a faster commute when moving trucks pass through residential neighborhoods. 

  3. Cost Savings: Winter moves often have lower prices than other busier moving seasons. Since the winter season is slower for most moving companies, they tend to offer lower prices in order to attract new customers. In some cases, you can get 10% or more off your moving costs simply by booking your move during the off-season. 

20 Winter Moving Tips

1. Take Advantage Of Discounts

During the wintertime, many moving companies will offer special discounts to lure in potential customers. Do your research and compare the different rates offered by different professional movers before making a final decision. Compare services between companies too, don’t just look at the price.

2. Call Your Moving Company Ahead Of Time 

With our experience in winter moves, we’ve found that early planning is key. Try to plan your move as early as possible to minimize the risk of being affected by bad weather or traffic. Sometimes last minute moves are unavoidable, but making arrangements ahead of time can ensure that your move goes smoothly and on time.

3. Make Sure All Items Are Safe For Transport 

When you’re packing moving boxes for your move, make sure you label them carefully so that any fragile items will be properly handled. Take extra care when packing fragile items and don’t be shy with the bubble wrap. It never hurts to double wrap your items! A professional moving company can also help you with packing for a truly stress-free experience, just check with them about specific moving services.

4. Bring A Snow Shovel 

Our firsthand experience has taught us the importance of having the right tools and techniques for the job. We recently had a client who armed with a large snow shovel, could clear a path for their belongings during a surprise snowfall on moving day. This will come in handy especially when it’s snowing or raining. Also, it’s always handy to have a few ice scrapers for your car and the moving vehicle.

5. Stay Hydrated 

Make sure to keep plenty of fluids on hand during the moving process to avoid dehydration. It’s especially important to keep yourself hydrated when it’s cold and the weather conditions make sweating more difficult.

6. Pack A Warm Lunch

Keep a hot meal ready in a separate container to eat when you’re feeling drained and cold. This will replenish your energy and keep your body warm throughout the move.

7. Warm Up With A Hot Drink

Take a break from the cold by warming up with a nice hot cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. If you’re feeling a bit chilly, this is a great way to warm up before finishing off your moving day.

8. Dress Appropriately (Layers!)

It’s important to dress appropriately in warm clothes for wintery weather when you’re moving in order to avoid getting sick or injured. Wear warm layers of clothing and ensure that your shoes have adequate traction to prevent slips and falls on the ice. Remember to wear gloves to avoid getting frostbite and protect your face from the elements with a scarf or face mask, especially when you’re doing any heavy lifting.

9. Never Leave Children Unattended In The Car

If you are moving with kids, never leave children unattended in the car during the winter. The temperature inside a car can quickly drop below freezing. Ideally, family members can help watch them while you move.

10. Buy Tarps And Plastic Sheets

Keep some tarps and plastic sheets handy to cover your stuff if the weather turns bad during your move. This will allow you to keep moving no matter what the weather is like outside.

11. Check Your Vehicle Before You Go

Make sure you don’t forget to check your vehicle before you head out on your next drive to ensure that everything is in good working order and that the tires have plenty of treads to prevent skidding in the snow.

12. Turn The Heat On In Your New Home

Make sure that you have the heat and other utilities set up and ready to go before you move in so that you don’t arrive at your new house cold and uncomfortable. If that’s not possible, at least have a space heater you can use in the meantime.

13. Pack All Essentials In One Bag

Keep your essential items together in one bag so that you have easy access to them in case your bags are lost or it takes longer for the moving truck to come – especially if it is a long-distance move. Store all of your important documents in this bag as well and make sure that the bag stays with you at all times during your move. It’s also a good idea to have a first aid kit on hand just in case, as well as flashlights.

14. Make A Plan

Plan your move. Think about all of the different variables that could affect your move and then come up with a plan to minimize the impact of these variables on your move. For example, if the weather is rainy or snowy on your moving date, make sure you have a backup plan such as an indoor storage unit where you can store your furniture and belongings until the weather clears. The last thing you want is to have something come up when you’re long-distance moving that could’ve been avoided.

15. Expect Things To Take Longer

Moves are complicated enough without having to worry about winter weather and wintery conditions. You may need to set aside extra time to complete your move when the weather outside is inclement. Try to plan ahead so that you can minimize the impact of the winter weather on your move and make the entire process as smooth as possible.

16. Look For Weather-Appropriate Packing

Make sure that all of your packing supplies are high-quality and strong so that they will hold up well to the winter elements.

17. Clear Snow From Driveways And Parking Areas

Be sure to clear the snow from the driveways and parking areas around your old home before movers arrive so that it will be easier to pick up and move your belongings from the building. This will make it less likely that your belongings will be damaged in the snow or that you will have any issues getting into your new home.

18. Plan For Your Pets

If you have pets, be sure to plan for them. If you have a dog, you will need to make arrangements for them while you are moving so that they can be taken care of while you relocate, especially when it’s cold outside.

Check out our guide on how to plan a move with pets

19. Protect Your Belongings From The Cold

During the winter months, temperatures can get very low, which can make your home very cold if you have moved during the winter season. Be sure to protect your possessions from damage from the cold temperatures by wrapping them in blankets or thick plastic and moving them into the home as quickly as possible.

20. Think About Storage Options

If it’s not possible to get all of your belongings into your new apartment or house right away because of the cold weather, you may need to think about using storage options temporarily while you wait for the weather to improve and your belongings to be delivered.

Ready to Move?

Embarking on a winter move might seem daunting, but armed with the right knowledge and a reliable moving partner, it can be a surprisingly smooth and advantageous experience. 

At Oz Moving and Storage, we’ve shared our seasoned insights and firsthand experiences to guide you through the unique challenges of winter moving. From weather monitoring and expert packing strategies to prioritizing safety and efficient logistics, our team is dedicated to making your winter move stress-free.

Ready to experience a seamless winter move with Oz Moving and Storage? Contact us today for a free quote and let us turn your cold-weather move into a warm success.


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About The Author:

Picture of Nancy Zafrani | General Manager

Nancy Zafrani | General Manager

Nancy Zafrani is the experienced General Manager of Oz Moving & Storage, with 30 years in the industry and a lifetime of knowledge as a New Yorker. She helped grow the company from 3 employees to 200 with 50 trucks and locations across the US. Her experience and organizational skills have led to over 500.000 successful moves. She is proud to lead a company that provides the best possible moving experience

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